ANPEC firmly believes that employees are the most important asset and the core of the company's sustainable operation. We aim to create a safe and comfortable working environment, protect the physical and mental health of employees, provide professional and diversified talent training and development courses and institutionalized performance evaluation, assist employees to grow. ANPEC hopes to become a happy enterprise recognized by its employee with our corporate commitment and environment to best suit the needs of the employees.
- Retirement System
According to the "Labor Standards Act" , the Company has established the "Labor Retirement Regulations of ANPEC Electronics Corporation" with defined payments that apply to the years of service of all regular employees before the implementation of the "Labor Pension Act" on July 1, 2005, and the subsequent years of service of employees who choose to continue to apply the Labor Standards Act after the implementation of the "Labor Pension Act" .
Old System : The Company appropriates 2% of the retirement reserve based on the total salary paid monthly according to the law, and the special funds are exclusively deposited in the Bank of Taiwan.
New System : Since July 1, 2005, the Company follows its established retirement method for defined allocation based on the "Labor Pension Act", and the monthly payment of labor pension is 6% of the salary to the individual accounts of the employees at the Bureau of Labor Insurance.
- Implementation
Old System : Old system: In May , 2024, the balance of the labor pension fund deposited in the Bank of Taiwan is NT$43,513 thousand. 34 employees are currently covered by the pension system stipulated in the Labor Standards Act (old system).
New System : Since July 1, 2005, the Company has established a retirement method based on the "Labor Pension Act" , and the monthly payment of labor pension is 6% of the salary to the individual accounts of the employees at the Bureau of Labor Insurance.

If you have any questions about sustainable operation, please contact us.

E-mail :
Tel : +886-3-564-2000
Address : No.6, Duxing 1st Rd., Hsinchu City 300096, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Office hour : 8:30 AM ~ 5:30 PM
Securities Agent

MasterLink Securities Corporation (Securities Agent)
Tel : +886-2-2768-6668
Fax : +886-2-2768-8778
Address : B1, No. 35, Ln. 11, Guangfu N. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City
Office hour : 8:30 AM ~ 4:30 PM

E-mail :
Tel : +886-3-564-2000
Address : No.6, Duxing 1st Rd., Hsinchu City 300096, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Office hour : 8:30 AM ~ 5:30 PM
Securities Agent

MasterLink Securities Corporation (Securities Agent)
Tel : +886-2-2768-6668
Fax : +886-2-2768-8778
Address : B1, No. 35, Ln. 11, Guangfu N. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City
Office hour : 8:30 AM ~ 4:30 PM