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DATE 11 Jul, 2024
Social Engagement

【Employee Care】Intestinal Health - Protecting Eyes and Keeping Good Body Shape at the Same Time


Intestinal Health - Protecting Eyes and Keeping Good Body
Shape at the Same Time

During weight loss, are you always unable to restrain your desire to eat? Have you tried countless time to lose weight but with little effect in return? And to make things worse, your eyesight is not as good as it was after several attempt of diet. Under pressures, you begin to wonder whether you had traded your health for nothing?
But hold on, It's to early to be frustrated. You just need the right choice of intestinal bacteria! Let nutritionist Vivian teach you how to choose food and take good care of your intestinal flora, which can not only calm your brain and reduce the urge to overeat, but also take good care of eye health!




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